669 research outputs found

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    Les vitamines des del punt de vista químic

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    Unhealthy weight among children in Spain and the role of the home environment

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    Objective: Unhealthy weight is a major global health concern. This study examines unhealthy weight among children in Spain and the role of the home environment therein. Data are from a 2010 national survey of families with children. We examined unhealthy weight among children ages 5-10 years using the WHO Child Growth Standards and used multivariate logistic regression to assess associations with family characteristics. Results: There was a high prevalence of unhealthy weight, with only 46% of children at normal weight. Both underweight and obesity were higher among boys (14%; 22%) than girls (13%; 12%). Underweight and obesity were higher among children of mothers with obesity and those with unemployed parents. Obesity was higher among children of mothers who were less educated (35%) and among children of immigrants (19%). We find high levels of unhealthy weight in children, with both underweight and obesity being predicted by the same family environment characteristics

    Avoiding order reduction with explicit Runge-Kutta exponential methods in nonlinear initial boundary value problems

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    In this paper a technique is given to recover the classical order of the method when explicit exponential Runge-Kutta methods integrate reaction-diffusion problems. Although methods of high stiff order for problems with vanishing boundary conditions can be constructed, that may imply increasing the number of stages and therefore, the computational cost seems bigger than the technique which is suggested here, which just adds some terms with information on the boundaries. Moreover, time-dependent boundary conditions are directly tackled here

    One step electrodeposition of Ag-decorated ZnO nanowires

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10008-016-3476-0.A new route for synthesizing Ag-decorated ZnO nanowires (NWs) on conductive glass substrates using a one-step electrodeposition technique is described here. The structural, optical, and photoelectrochemical properties of Ag-decorated ZnO nanowires were studied in detail using techniques such X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy, photoluminescence, and photoelectrochemical measurements. Both pure and Ag-decorated ZnO nanowires were found to crystallize in the wurtzite structure, irrespective of their Ag contents. Increasing the Ag content from pure ZnO NWs to 3% Ag ZnO NWs decreases the photoluminescence intensity, shifts the optical band gap to the red, and increases the photocurrent up to threefold. This behavior was attributed to the surface plasmon resonance effect induced by the Ag nanoparticles, which inhibits charge recombination and improves charge transport on the ZnO surface.B.S. acknowledges the Nanomaterials and Systems Laboratory for Renewable Energies, Research and Technology Centre of Energy Technoparc Borj Cedria for financial support. This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (ENE2013-46624-C4-4-R) and the Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeus 2014/044).Slimi, B.; Ben Assaker, I.; Kriaa, A.; Marí, B.; Chtourou, R. (2017). One step electrodeposition of Ag-decorated ZnO nanowires. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 21(5):1253-1261. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10008-016-3476-0S12531261215Morrison SR, Freund T (1967) J Chem Phys 47:1543–1551Studenikin SA, Golego N, Cocivera M (1998) J Appl Phys 83:2104–2111Look DC, Reynolds DC, Hemsky JW, Jones RL, Sizelove JR (1999) J Appl Phys Lett 75:811–813Ng HT, Han J, Yamada T, Nguyen P, Chen YP, Meyyappan M (2004) Nano Lett 4:1247–1252Chang PC, Fan ZY, Chien CJ, Stichtenoth D, Ronning C, Lu JG (2006) Appl Phys Lett 89:133113–133116Wang X, Song J, Liu J, Wang ZL (2007) Science 316:102–105Janotti A, Van de Walle CG (2009) Rep Prog Phys 72:126501–126530Thomas MA, Sun WW, Cui JB (2012) J Phys Chem C 116:6383–6391Yin X, Que W, Fei D, Shen F, Guo Q (2012) J Alloys Compd 524:13–21Tan ST, AlZayed NS, Lakshminarayana G, Naumar F, Umar AA, Oyama M, Myronchuk G, Kityk IV (2014) Phys E 61:23–27Wen LB, Huang YW, Li SB (1987) J Appl Phys 62:2295–2297Gurav KV, Fulari VJ, Patil UM, Lokhande CD, Joo OS (2010) Appl Surf Sci 256:2680–2685Kong XY, Wang ZL (2003) Nano Lett 3:1625–1631Kim K, Song YW, Chang S, Kim IH, Kim S, Lee SY (2009) Thin Solid Films 518:1190–1193Guo Z, Zhao D, Liu Y, Shen D, Zhang J, Li B (2008) Appl Phys Lett 93:163501–163504Hatch SM, Briscoe J, Dunn S (2013) Adv Mater 25:867–871Tarwal NL, Patil PS (2011) Electrochim Acta 56:6510–6516Fu M, Li S, Yao J, Wu H, He D, Wang Y (2013) J Porous Mater 20:1485–1489Haldar KK, Sen T, Patra A (2008) J Phys Chem C 112:11650–116506Xie J, Wu Q (2010) Mater Lett 64:389–392Yuan J, Choo ESG, Tang X, Sheng Y, Ding J, Xue J (2010) Nanotechnology 21:185606–185616Sahu DR, Liu CP, Wang RC, Kuo CL, Huang JL (2012) J Appl Ceram Technol 25:1–25Subramanian V, Wolf EE, Kamat PV (2003) J Phys Chem B 107:7479–7485Zhang D, Chava S, Berven C, Lee SK, Devitt R, Katkanant V (2010) Appl Phys A 100:145–150Zhu G, Yang R, Wang S, Wang ZL (2010) Nano Lett 10:3151–3155Mute A, Peres M, Peiris TC, Lourenço AC, Jensen LR, Monteiro T (2010) J Nanosci Nanotechnol 10:2669–2673Wang K, Chen J, Zhou W, Zhang Y, Yan Y, Pern J, Mascarenhas A (2008) Adv Mater 20:3248Pauporté T, Bataille G, Joulaud L, Vermersch FJ (2010) J Phys Chem C 114:194–202Wang T, Jiao Z, Chen T, Li Y, Ren W, Lin S, Lu G, Ye J, Bi Y (2013) Nanoscale 5:7552–7557Brayek A, Ghoul M, Souissi A, Ben Assaker I, Lecoq H, Nowak S, Chaguetmi S, Ammar S, Oueslati M, Chtourou R (2014) Mater Lett 129:142–145Paunovic M, Schlesinger M (2006) Fundamentals of electrochemical deposition. Wiley, New YorkPauporte T, Lupan O, Zhang J, Tugsuz T, Ciofini I, Labat F, Viana B (2015) ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 7:11871–11880Lupan O, Cretu V, Postica V, Ahmadi M, Cuenya RB, Chow L, Tiginyanu I, Viana B, Pauporté T, Adelung R (2016) Sensors Actuators B 223:893–903Ghoul M, Braiek B, Brayek A, Ben Assaker I, Khalifa N, Ben Naceur J, Souissi A, Lamouchi A, Ammar S, Chtourou R (2015) J Alloys Compd 647:660–664Messaoudi O, Makhlouf H, Souissi A, Ben Assaker I, Amiri G, Bardaoui A, Oueslati M, Bechelany M, Chtourou R (2015) Appl Surf Sci 343:148–152Song J, Lim S (2007) J Phys Chem C 111:596–600Wang H, Baek S, Song J, Lee J, Lim S (2008) Nanotechnology 19:075607–075613Hsu MH, Chang CJ (2014) J Hazard Mater 278:444–453Ibănescu M, Muşat V, Textor T, Badilita V, Mahltig B (2014) J Alloys Compd 610:244–249Joshi MK, Pant HR, Kim HJ, Kim JH, Kim CS (2014) Colloids Surf A 446:102–108Zhu H, Yang D, Zhang H (2006) Mater Lett 60:2686–2689Cullity BD (1978) Elements of X-ray diffraction, 2nd edn. 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    May the inclusion of a legume crop change weed composition in cereal fields? Example of sainfoin in Aragon (Spain)

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    Onobrychis viciifolia (Scop.) (sainfoin) is promoted in the Spanish Aragón region through the Agro-Environmental Schemes (AES) since 2007 with the aim of enhancing biodiversity. Also, in other countries, the interest in this legume crop is growing due to its rusticity and beneficial effects on the soil and livestock. However, the effect of the crop on weed flora in the subsequent cereal crops has hardly been investigated yet. With this aim, weed flora has been characterised in 2011–2014 in sainfoin fields in the second and third year of establishment (S2 and S3), in cereal monocrop (CM), in cereal after sainfoin (CS) and in organic cereal fields (OC). Additionally, the soil seedbank was determined in two years in CM and S3 fields. Weed species richness of emerged flora and of the soil seedbank was highest for sainfoin and lowest for CM, being intermediate for OC and CS regardless of the sampling year. The most feared weed species in winter cereal did not increase by growing sainfoin or in CS compared to CM. Curiously, summer annuals dominated in the soil seedbank. Sainfoin fields cause thus a shift in the weed flora, which does not seem to damage subsequent cereal crops provided fields are mouldboard ploughed after sainfoin
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